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Sunday, March 6, 2011

What a fun day...

It was fun today, got to see Rick and Nancy out 'birding', and today Nancy got to see things. It seems that Rick and I see lots during the week and on the weekends when Nancy can go everything is in hiding. I hope this means the spell is broken and she can see the wonders of wildlife in person now.

We saw owls for the first time in weeks, and after a call from Nancy I saw the Ross Goose flying by.

Here is my good day in pictures.
Here are the owls,

 Natures camo really is the best

This was so pretty with the water frozen on the plants and rocks.

 Here is the Ross Goose, I had to be quick as he was flying by fast when Nancy call to tell me he was on the way.
Here are geese in the ponds and trying to get to the ponds.

I went back on my way out to see the owls and a skunk was crossing the road headed for their ditch,
they quickly climbed to the top of the ditch and watched him as he walked along the top, he never saw them, but they were ready to take flight and never took their eyes off him.
Their camo worked great.

And last but not least on the way our I saw this American Kestrel on the wire.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful photos. It's like when you go place and you dont have your camera theres great things to photograph, then when you do have your camera theres nothing! Murphy's law I say lol . Have a great day !
